About turtles
The Adopt-A-Pond Wetland Conservation Programme provides teachers, students and community groups with information resources and educational opportunities to conserve, restore and create wetland habitats.
Devoted to conserving Canada's native species of amphibians and reptiles and their ecological and evolutionary functions in perpetuity.
Since June of 2002 the Kawartha Turtle Trauma Centre has been saving injured native turtles and releasing them back into their natural habitat. The Centre is located in Peterborough, Ontario and is a registered Canadian Charity.
Provides rescue and rehab for all species of turtles and tortoises. The Haven is located in Kitchener, Ontario and is working towards the public awareness and education of the crisis in the turtle trade.
Established in the fall of 1999 to care for turtles, install highway turtle crossing signs, and provide public education and awareness of the plight of our indigenous turtle populations and habitats.