Long Point Causeway Improvement Project

About us

Long Point Causeway Project media coverage

Media from across Canada, the United States and around the world have chronicled the success of the Long Point Causeway Improvement Project in significantly reducing the numbers of turtles killed by vehicles on the 3.6 kilometer road. Major media outlets in Canada such as the Canadian Press, Toronto Star, Winnipeg Sun and Halifax Chronicle Herald published articles about the Project. As well, the CBC, CTV and Global television networks carried the story. In the US, the work of the small Ontario community to reduce turtle road kill was featured on the Good News Network, CNCnews.net, NRIPress and an upcoming issue[…]

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Map of wildlife culverts

Click image to see full size map Constructed in 2012 — H1 large hydraulic, T2 open grate terrestrial, T1 concrete box terrestrial/hydraulic (HSP funded) Under Construction in 2014-15 (now) – T8,T7 and T5 open grate terrestrial (HSP funded);T6 and T4 concrete box terrestrial/hydraulic (NWCF funded) Proposed for 2015-16 – H2 large hydraulic (NWCF funding requested); T3 open grate terrestrial and exclusion fencing (HSP funded) Proposed for 2016-17 – H3 large hydraulic (NWCF funding requested); T9 open grate terrestrial and exclusion fencing (HSP to be requested) Potential sources of matching funding – US Fish and Wildlife Foundation; Ontario Species at Risk[…]

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Taking action to protect Long Point’s wildlife and wetlands

Here is what we have accomplished to date: Initiated, funded and commissioned comprehensive feasibility study on how to reduce wildlife road kill, restore historic aquatic connections between the Big Creek Marsh and Inner Bay, improve public safety and enhance the natural attractiveness of the Causeway Consulted widely with community and government agencies on project, including two complete Environmental Assessments Initiated, funded and carried out several measures to reduce wildlife road mortality including the installation of 4,500 metres of wildlife barrier fencing, artificial nesting mounds for turtles, seven terrestrial and two aquatic wildlife culverts and signage to alert drivers to watch[…]

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The LPCIP would like to gratefully acknowledge the following organizations that have provided nearly $2.5 million in funding and about $500,000 in in-kind support to the project since it began in 2006. Environment Canada – Habitat Stewardship Program for Species at Risk, Environment Canada – National Wetlands Conservation Fund Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources – Species at Risk Stewardship Fund, US National Fish and Wildlife Foundation – Sustain Our Great Lakes program Norfolk County Canada-Ontario Agreement on Great Lakes Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Aylmer District Nature Conservancy of Canada Shell Canada — Fueling Change Environmental Fund TD Friends of[…]

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Committee members

The Long Point Causeway Improvement Project began in October 2006 when representatives of several local community groups, non-government organizations and provincial and federal agencies volunteered to serve on a Steering Committee to guide the project. As well, several individual citizens agreed to serve. These people set terms of reference for the project, retained the Ecoplans consulting firm to undertake the improvement study and continue to oversee the on-going development of this ambitious long-term project. A Science subcommittee was also formed to advise the Steering Committee on scientific issues related to the project’s implementation. Many of the people serving on these[…]

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